The United Square Dancers of
America’s Zoom Series
Beyond the Dance Floor
Dancing! — While we are so excited to be back dancing after the Covid epidemic, we lost many of our dancers, clubs, callers, and cuers during that time. The great news that came from the pandemic is how well the square dance community all over the World has adapted to and benefitted from the challenges we’ve were facing and continue to face. How have we benefitted? Remote networking platforms such
as Microsoft Teams and Zoom have introduced us to new friends and dance experiences we might never have enjoyed before — from Zoom dance sessions with international participation to opportunities to participate in State, National and International dance events, conventions and workshops.
October of 2020 the United Square Dancers of America —
your National dancers’ organization, introduced a monthly series
of web-based programs via Zoom to support clubs on the business
and marketing end of our activity. The programs were used to
introduce more dancers across the country to who/what USDA is,
the programs and services we provide, and a way to keep square
and round dancing in the forefront of people’s thoughts even if
they aren’t able to get together on the dance floor. Since the
introduction of the initial workshops, topics have evolved to
include Marketing, the SSD dance program, Social Connections and
the recruitment and retention of callers. We’ve been lucky
enough to partner with CALLERLAB on several of these programs
and look forward to partnering with other national organizations
for future program offerings. We’ve had participation from
dancers and callers from all over the world, sharing ideas,
program guidelines and coping strategies.
Beyond The Dance Floor
– It takes a lot of effort and organizational skills to keep our
favorite activity alive and USDA is here to help. From bylaws to
event planning, club officer duties, promotion, communications,
newsletters, youth and handicapable programs – this series is
designed to help groups across the country build and grow your
Want Direct Notification of the Next Session? Watch your
email, our website and Facebook for links to the actual, FREE
workshops. If you would like to be added to our email
notification list send us your name and email address to
Education@usda.org Or
Click Here.
For more
information or to check on scheduling updates, please
contact us at: USDA Online Education: Bonnie Abramson —
Education@usda.org Or visit our Facebook page and join our Facebook group
www.Facebook.usda.org (United Square
Dancers of America—USDA)