Live Lively - Square Dance

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The Worlds Largest Square Dance Organization

The Only National Dancer's Association Organized By Dancers For Dancers And Operated By Dancers


USDA Membership

USDA Affiliation / Membership

Why should my State or Area Association affiliate with a national dancers association? How much will it cost? What benefits do we receive from a national dancer's association? These are the questions most often asked about any organization beyond the club level.

There are organizations that represent the callers, cuers, instructors, singles, campers, suppliers and there is an organization to represent the "DANCERS" - the UNITED SQUARE DANCERS OF AMERICA, INC. (USDA). The Purpose of USDA is to promote and perpetuate the total square dance movement, which includes square, round, contra, clogging, line and heritage dancing; establish a line of communication from the individual dancer to a recognized unified body to make decisions at the national level (generally achieved through USDA's financial support for and participation on the Alliance of Round, Traditional and Square-Dance [ARTS-DANCE] Governing Board); Provide for Education to further the growth and enjoyment of square dancing; encourage cooperation between member clubs, state associations, councils, federations, national, international organizations; provide a forum for implementing the benefits of individual membership and to represent square dancing to the general public as a wholesome, enjoyable family type organization.

A State organization may Join USDA and represent all dancers in that state for only $100.00 per year. If a State organization declines to affiliate with USDA, then an Area organization in that state may join USDA for $25.00 or $50.00 per year depending on the number of dancers represented within their State. Local groups and even clubs may join USDA, without vote, as an Associate Member for $25.00 per year. 

The benefits derived by State or Area Association membership in the USDA include entitlement to receiving the most economical and best Accident and Group Liability Insurance coverage for dancers, clubs, officers, and associations that is available in the USA - At a low reasonable rate per dancer. Contact the USDA Insurance Coordinator for current rates for Affiliate and Non affiliate dancers. The Insurance Program has proven to be financially rewarding to those organizations affiliating with the USDA. This Insurance Program alone can save a club or association $300 - $600 that is paid for insurance for each special, festival or convention.

The clubs and associations may obtain a great variety of FREE Educational Material to assist in the training of club and association officers and club members. A complete Library of Educational materials has been developed by USDA for use by dancers covering virtually every imaginable subject. Nearly all of this information is available without cost.

USDA members will gain great satisfaction by participating in the Handicapable Program, Youth Program, the USDA After Parties, Education Program, Display Tables at the National Square Dance Convention Showcase of Ideas, USDA News, Centennial Dancer Medallions, Discount Prescription Drug, Vision and Hearing Program, a USDA USA Traveler Program, Social Media, and Extend Nonprofit Status to qualifying member groups at a reasonable charge, and other USDA activities.

USDA Affiliate Membership Application

USDA Associate Membership Application

For more Information on USDA affiliation you may contact our information officer, or our president or the regional vice president for your area:
Information Officer President
Information Officer

L. Paul & Sally Schmidt
4822 Huron Avenue
San Diego, California 92117-6211
(H) 619.222.0445
(C) (LP) 619.804.5266; (S) 619.804.4197




Ellery & Karen Gulbrand
2591 Lavender Lane
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54313-6832
(H) 920.434.0669, (C) (K) 920.819.0364
( C ) ( E ) 920.819.3564



Western Region Plains Region Central Region Eastern Region

Vice President Western Region

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Nina Grigsby

Nina Grigsby
102 East Adytum Place
Vail, Arizona 85641-2867



Vice President Eastern Region

Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia
Vacant Position



Vice President Central Region

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Scott & Sandy Ebright
7317 Meadow Creek Trail

Knoxville, Tennessee 37931-2561
(C) (Scott) 937.830.1481
(Sandy) 865.466.5514




Vice President Plains Region

Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin

Mark & Bina Krebsbach
3301 Nebraska Drive #1
Bismarck, North Dakota  58503-1639
(M) 701.320.9079  (B) 701.320.5182



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