What kind of internet presence does your club need, and what information should be presented? We will talk about the basics of hosting your own club website, as well as how to market your club online.
Allan Hurst, Sacramento, CA. Allan Hurst, Caller, IAGSDC Historian, Technology Professional. Allan has been dancing since 1995 (starting with the El Camino Reelers in Palo Alto, CA) and calling for multiple San Francisco Bay Area clubs (and now in Sacramento) since 1997. As a caller (Basic and SSD through C1), Allan is the caller for Sacramento’s Capital City Squares. He is a member CALLERLAB where he currently serves on the CALLERLAB Marketing Committee. He has served for many years on the board of the Gay Caller Association and has edited their technical journal for callers for nearly two decades. Professionally, Allan works in Information Technology as an IT Architect and Project Manager.
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