Live Lively - Square Dance

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The Worlds Largest Square Dance Organization

The Only National Dancer's Association Organized By Dancers For Dancers And Operated By Dancers


 Beyond the Dance Floor - Webinar Zoom Series

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March 8, 2025 - The Biggest Party of the Year

Ted & Tonia Hofmeister

Tonia and I are second generation square dancers. We were introduced to square dancing by our parents. Tonia’s parents, James and Mildred Lambert and mine, Joe and Dorothy Marchese. Ironically Tonia and I both started dancing over 50 years ago at the same time and started lessons in 1969. Tonia with the Hi Steppin’ Squares and my brother Larry and I, began with the Swing-N-Teens.

It’s hard to believe square dancing was responsible for bringing Tonia and me together. We have been married for over 46 years with 4 kids & 13 grandkids (so far).

Tonia worked at Ark Children’s Hospital and served as a substitute teacher for several years; however, we have been blessed that Tonia has taken care and managed our household most of our married life. I graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas and was in the industrial gas business for 43 years. I have transferred 4 times, held various positions in sales management and operations. I have managed multiple operations in multiple states, and we believe this has prepared us to take on the task of General Chairman of the 74th National Square Dance Convention.

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February 8, 2025 - Social Connections: The Spark That Keeps Dancing Alive

Mike & Lisa Seastrom

Mike has been dancing since 1960 and calling since 1963. He has a long history as a member of CALLERLAB, including serving on the Board of Governors, is a past Chariman and a Milestone Award winner.

Mike currently teaches for the Buckles & Bows Square Dance Club in Thousand Oaks, California. He teaches the Social Square Dance program which enables him to teach two classes a year plus a Summertime Funshop of the SSD calls.

Together with his wife, Lisa, they promote the importance of Social Connections in keeping square dancing a vital part of our lives, and work as Square Dance Ambassadors everywhere they travel.


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December 14, 2024 - USDA’s Youth Dancer Programs & Founders’ Memorial Youth Fund Scholarship

Youth dancers are the future of square dancing! Take this opportunity to learn how USDA supports the formation and ongoing promotion of youth square dancers across the country. Dan will also share information about USDA’s Founders’ Memorial Youth Fund Scholarship Program – learn more about how your youth dancers can apply by the February 1st deadline

Dan Reedy, USDA Youth Advisor

Dan Reedy has served as USDA’s Youth Advisor for several years and actively promotes youth dancing. Dan hails from Van Buren, Arkansas. He works closely with the Youth Directors for the annual National Square Dance Convention to support activities in the Youth Hall.


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November 16, 2024 - New Callers, Cuers & Dance Leaders: Care & Nurturing From the Club and Association Perspective

Callers, Cuers and Dance leaders: These are three important components that contribute to the success and stability of our clubs, associations, classes, and dance events. There are things that dancers, dancer leaders, clubs and associations can do to encourage and train people for these roles and increase the success and growth of our numbers and our entire activity.

Mike has been dancing since 1960 and calling since 1963. He has a long history as a member of CALLERLAB, including serving on the Board of Governors, is a past Chariman and a Milestone Award winner.

Mike currently teaches for the Buckles & Bows Square Dance Club in Thousand Oaks, California. He teaches the Social Square Dance program which enables him to teach two classes a year plus a Summertime Funshop of the SSD calls.

Together with his wife, Lisa, they promote the importance of Social Connections in keeping square dancing a vital part of our lives, and work as Square Dance Ambassadors everywhere they travel.  

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November 9, 2024 - USDA’s Insurance

Every square dance organization needs General Liability and Accident Medical Expense coverage while conducting and sponsoring dance activities. As closely as safety rules are followed, accidents can and will happen. This insurance program, especially designed for USDA dance groups, provides Accident Medical insurance, which helps protect club members from financial loss due to a covered accidental bodily injury, and Liability insurance, which protects the club and its members and association officials from financial loss due to unforeseen incidents which may develop into litigation against members and dance organizations.

USDA’s Insurance Coordinator Elizabeth Sanders will outline the Insurance program, including answering the questions “Which form do I use to request a certificate?” and “Which form is used to register students for Insurance?” Tune in for more on the different forms and what they are used for, as well as the proper way to enter your club or affiliate’s information into the insurance database.

Eddie & Elizabeth Sanders, USDA Insurance Director
Eddie and Elizabeth are longtime dancers from Stephens, Georgia, and have led the USDA insurance program since 2019.

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August 17, 2024 - You Don’t Have To Be A Caller To Teach SSD

We all want to expand the number of dancers in our clubs, but so many areas have a shortage of available callers. SSD – Social Square Dance - has been a highly successful introductory dance program in many areas of the World, but what if you’re in an area where no callers are available to teach a new class? Kip Garvey is here to share how you don’t have to be a caller to teach an SSD program.

Kip Garvey, Ione, CA.
Kip Garvey began calling as a teenager in 1960. Initially he was club Caller for a teen square dance club in Andover, Massachusetts. Calling for several teen and adult clubs over the years, Kip has taught dancers every year since 1960.  Kip joined CALLERLAB, the International Association of Square Dance Callers, in 1979. He was elected to the Board of Governors for five years and served on the Executive Committee and as Vice Chairman of the organization. He worked and chaired several committees with special focus on dance programs and caller training. After a move to California in 1980, Kip worked regularly with Bill Davis in the development of much of the current day technical theory regarding choreographic structure and sight calling technique. Kip and Bill Davis were the first two test-certified CALLERLAB Caller Coaches and together conducted several caller training schools.

As one of CALLERLAB’s first certified Caller Coaches, Kip has been the feature lecturer at several caller schools across the country and in Europe. He has authored several magazine articles and technical documents, including a recently completed book on the technical aspects of square dance choreography entitled ‘Nuts And Bolts’ and another recently completed book for newer callers entitled 'Call Me Crazy'. Kip created the first online caller training facility that went live in 2017, the Central Sierra Caller School and is actively mentoring several local callers.

SSD Without A Caller
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July 20, 2024 - The Wonderful World of USDA: Using Facebook Events to Promote Square Dancing

As we all work harder to promote our square dance clubs and events, it’s more and more important that we find cost-effective and easy-to-use ways to help that effort. There is so much more available via social media, particularly Facebook, that we can use to accomplish those goals. Thom will share with us how to use Facebook Events to help us reach a wider audience as well as allow individuals to add reminders of your events to their personal calendars.

Thom Cuong M. Dang, San Diego, CA.
Thom is very well versed in square dance event planning and promotion. Is a member of the Cuesta Squares of San Luis Obispo, CA and an honorary life member of the GCA – Gay Callers Association. He lives in Arroyo Grande and studied computer science at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Using Facebook Events to Promote Square Dancing
About Thom Dang
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April 20, 2024 - The Wonderful World of USDA: The Biggest Party of the Year

What's waiting for You at the 73rd National Square Dance Convention

Scott & Brenda Deal, Convention General Chairmen

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March 9, 2024 - The Wonderful World of USDA: The Benefits, The Programs, The Resources

The United Square Dancers of America (USDA) is the National Square Dancers’ Association and has been in existence for nearly 45 years. In addition to our national dancers’ insurance program, youth scholarship, and extensive presence at the annual National Square Dance Convention®, USDA offers a wealth of educational materials and resources available at no charge to anyone who shows and interest. Pamphlets and brochures, our monthly webinar series and so much more are available on our website, This webinar will give you a quick overview of all that USDA has to offer.

Sally Schmidt, USDA Information Chairman. Sally, along with her husband LPaul, have been a part of the square dance community for more than 35 years. She has held leadership positions with her local clubs, the San Diego Square Dance Association, the California Council of Square Dancers, and the United Square Dancers of America. Together they have chaired major square dance events including the San Diego Fiesta de la Cuadrilla (3 separate years), the 2011 California State Square Dance Convention, and the 2022 USAWest Square Dance Convention. They currently hold the position of Information Officer & Sound Chairmen for the United Square Dancers of America. 

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Program Description: How ARTS Promotes Square Dancing through Live Lively-Square Dance!
Faculty: Jerry Reed, Jim & Judy Taylor, Erin Byars, Michael Streby, Jim Maczko, and Ed Willis

ARTS Dance History 2002 thru 2023
ARTS Dance Handout February 17, 2024


January 20, 2024 - CALLERLAB’S Marketing Manual: New Updates & Insights – Mike Hogan,

Marketing Manual: New Updates & Insights
Mike Hogan, Caller & Past-Chair of the CALLERLAB Marketing Committee

CALLERLAB Marketing Manual
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December 9, 2023 - Digital Marketing 1.2 – Make the Media Work for You – Allan Hurst

What kind of internet presence does your club need, and what information should be presented? We will talk about the basics of hosting your own club website, as well as how to market your club online.

Allan Hurst, Sacramento, CA. Allan Hurst, Caller, IAGSDC Historian, Technology Professional. Allan has been dancing since 1995 (starting with the El Camino Reelers in Palo Alto, CA) and calling for multiple San Francisco Bay Area clubs (and now in Sacramento) since 1997. As a caller (Basic and SSD through C1), Allan is the caller for Sacramento’s Capital City Squares. He is a member CALLERLAB where he currently serves on the CALLERLAB Marketing Committee. He has served for many years on the board of the Gay Caller Association and has edited their technical journal for callers for nearly two decades. Professionally, Allan works in Information Technology as an IT Architect and Project Manager.

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November 11, 2023 - USDA Insurance – Making Sure Your Clubs & Dancers Are Covered – Elizabeth Sanders, USDA Insurance Director

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October 14, 2023 - Like a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes: Square Dancing Post-Pandemic

When the Corona Virus struck in early 2020 and lingered for months, many thought that it might be the end of square dancing as we know it. What better time to regroup and re-think our approach than when we couldn’t be out on the dance floor? Internationally-known caller Eric Henerlau offered his thoughts on the subject during his Keynote Address at the 2023 CALLERLAB Convention and will share those thoughts during our October webinar. What have we changed and who has been successful in bringing new and returning dancers back to the dance floor? What can we do to help reinvigorate square dancing post-pandemic?

Eric Henerlau, Corte Madera, CA. When Eric calls a dance, his positive energy fills the hall. He has devoted himself to teaching and calling square dancing since 1980, and his passion for the activity continues to draw people in. Eric combines music, choreography, and a personal connection with the dancers to create a party atmosphere. His range of musical tastes drives him to continue adding to his collection of tunes, and dancers often comment on the variety and quality that he uses.

His nearly 40 years experience in the square dance community gives him the skills and expertise to contribute leadership to square dance organizations. Eric serves on the Board of Governors of CALLERLAB and currently chairs the Plus Committee. He has served on the CALLERLAB Executive Committee and currently serves on several other CALLERLAB committees, all with the focus on attracting and retaining dancers.

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September 16, 2023 - USDA’s 501(c)3 program

Over the years it seems as though the IRS has pigeon holed Square Dance Groups into the 501(c)(7) Nonprofit Category – But this is absolutely not where Square Dance Groups Belong. The 501(c)(7) category is for “closed membership groups” similar to Country Clubs. Any Income from non-members or guests as we Square Dancers like to call them, would be taxable. After many years of trying, USDA was finally able to establish the entire organization as a 501(c)3 Not-for-Profit organization, who in turn can offer that same status to groups and organizations affiliated with USDA. This program will outline how your organization can benefit from this status; application and renewal processes will be outlined during the session.

Jim Maczko & Patty Wilcox. Jim is well known in all aspects of square dancing. He is a founding member of the California Council of Square Dancers, Inc., which he and Patty just became the Presidents of. He is also a founding member of the United Square Dancers of America and the ARTS-Dance Foundation. Together they have been a driving force in square dancing for many years.

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As an international organization committed to building, promoting, and sustaining the beloved recreation of Modern Western Square Dancing and the art and craft of square dance calling, CALLERLAB has created a set of documents to help callers, organization leaders and dancers in providing and supporting a welcoming dance environment where all dancers can enjoy the activity in a safe, nurturing, secure, and pleasant atmosphere.

In the spring of 2018, the CALLERLAB Board of Governors updated the CALLERLAB Code of Ethics to include the following item: 5. Provide a safe and welcoming environment for all. I am committed to providing an environment free from sexual and other forms of harassment or bullying without bias based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability, and always be respectful of the hearts and spirits of others. Expanding on this commitment, it is our goal for all participants to have a pleasant social experience while attending square dance events. In support of this goal, CALLERLAB will provide its members and the greater square dance community with guidelines, information, and educational opportunities to assist them in preventing, recognizing, addressing, and eliminating inappropriate behavior.

Webinar Flyer
USDA Hand Out - Creating and Maintaining a Welcoming and Safe Square Dance Enivronment
CALLERLAB Hand Out - Welcoming Dance Environment

October 15, 2022 - USDA Presents - Marketing Square Dancing

As Chairman of CALLERLAB’s Marketing Committee, Jack Pladdys will share ideas on how to market our activity. Sharing input from across the country on what is currently working, what ideas may seem appropriate to revisit, and utilizing every opportunity available to us to get the word out about our activity. Join us to hear what ideas CALLERLAB has to share and be prepared to share you ideas and success stories as well.

Hand Out

July 15, 2023 - CALLERLAB’s Marketing Program: Building the Database to Promote our Clubs & Dances

CALLERLAB spent months developing new marketing materials which are now available to all dancers and clubs, as well as a National database for dance promotion. How do we get the word out of this free service, and how do we help develop the database of clubs and dances throughout the country? As Chairman of CALLERLAB’s Marketing Committee, Jack Pladdys will share how we, as dance leaders, help build this network.

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May 20, 2023 - Music Licensing for the Festival & Event Planners

BMI, ASCAP & SESAC are the major music licensing agencies, but figuring out who is responsible for holding the licensing can be a very confusing element of your square and round dance event. Does the caller or cuer’s licensing cover your event, or does your event need to have its own licensing agreements? Buddy will review what licenses you need and how do you obtain them.

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September 17, 2022 - USDA's 501(c)3 Program

Discussion and overview of the USDA's 501(c)3 Group Exemption program, including how to apply, what are the requirements, what are the benefits and why should groups apply. Once in the group, what are the requirements to maintain our status. Session will also cover USDA's Associate Member category which allows individual clubs to join USDA and take advantage of the program.

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August 13, 2022 - Grand Square International, Inc - Who Are We and How Do We Benefit Square Dancing?

Tony & Kim Oxendine, International Square Dance Caller and Founders of Grand Square International

Hand Out
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April 23, 2022 - Exciting Happenings at the National Square Dance Convention in Evansville, IN

General Chairmen John & Carolyn Cook are excited to welcome you to "Us Down By The River" - the 71st National Square Dance Convention scheduled June 22 thru 25, 2022 in Evansville, IN. There's lots to see and do at the Convention and here's your chance to get the inside track on what's in store for you. USDA will also share highlights of their involvement at the Convention.

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November 13, 2021 - USDA's 501(c)3 Program

Jim Maczko & Patty Wilcox, 501(c)3 Group Administrators, San Diego, CA, and Pat Inglis, 501(c)3 Group Renewals, Stone Mountain, GA

Slide Presentation
USDA IRS 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Group Exemption Procedures / Requirements
USDA IRS 501(c)(3) Application for Associate Membership

October 16, 2021 - USDA's Insurance Program

Elizabeth & Eddie Sanders, USDA Insurance Director, Stephens, GA.

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September 18, 2021 - Finding Callers: Recruiting, Support, Mentoring & More

Daryl Clendenin - Longtime CALLERLAB Member & Accredited Caller Coach; Betsy Gotta - Accredited Caller Coach & Chair of CALLERLAB Caller Training Committee; Dana Schirmer - Former Executive Direct & Current Assistant Executive Director of CALLERLAB

Slide Presentation

August 14, 2021 - Social Connections - The Key to Club Success

Mike Seastrom, International Square Dance Caller

Slide Presentation

Insurance Requirements

Liability Waiver

Dance Consent Form

July 10, 2021 - SSD - Social Square Dancing. What Is It and How Does It Work?

Bear Miller, member CALLERLAB Board of Directors

Social Square Dancing (SSD)

Social Square Dancing (SSD) Nutshell

Chat File
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June 12, 2021 - USDA's Specialty Programs and Honors

Joy Vaccari, Prescription Card/Hearing Aid; Larry Dunkel, Centennial Award; Jerry & Donna Robey, USDA Traveler’s Program;
Jim & Judy Taylor, Amazon Smile

Slide Presentation

May 15, 2021 - USDA's Handicapable Program

Alitia Becker, Committee Chair

Presentation Topics

Handicapable Directory

Call List

April 10, 2021 - National Convention - Here We Come! Showcasing USDA's Involvement on the National Stage

Tony & Diana Rock, USDA Presidents; Ed & Lynda Willis, Central Region VP; Mark & Bina Krebsbach, Plains Region VP; LPaul & Sally Schmidt, Western Region VP; with special guests Dan & Glinda Torvik, General Chairmen of the 70th National Square Dance Convention, Jackson, MS

USDA's Involvement on the National Stage

March 13, 2021 - Do You Hear What I Hear? Using Newsletters and Other Forms of Social Media to Get the Word Out

Dan Wheeler, USDA Webmaster, Larry Dunkel, Editor, USDA News, Milene McCall, USDA Social Media Director
Bonnie Abramson, Beyond The Dance Floor Coordinator

Do You Hear What I Hear?

February 13, 2021 - Promoting Square Dancing During the Most Challenging of Times!

Mike Hogan, La Vista, NE

Promoting Square Dancing

I Have Good News

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January 16, 2021 - USDA's Educational Materials

Tony & Diana Rock, USDA President; Dale & Kathy Worthington, USDA Leadership Education Chairmen

Educational Materials

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December 12, 2020 - USDA's Youth Dancer Programs & Founders’ Memorial Youth Fund Scholarship

Dan Reedy, USDA Youth Advisor, Bonnie Abramson, Former USDA & CA Youth Advisor

Youth Dancer Programs

November 14, 2020 - USDA's 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Group Exemption Program

Jim Maczko - Group Exemption Co-Administrator - Applications,  Pat Inglis - Group Exemption Co-Administrator - Renewals

01(c)3 Group Exemption Program

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October 10, 2020 - What is USDA

Tony & Diana Rock, USDA President, LPaul & Sally Schmidt, USDA Information Officer

Who Is USDA and What Do We Have to Offer?

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